1. meteo::NLpol
    The Netherlands border polygon from WCAB
  2. meteo::dem_twi_srb
    Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Topographic Wetness Index (TWI) for Serbia
  3. meteo::dprec
    Daily precipitation amount in mm for July 2011
  4. meteo::dslp
    Mean sea level pressure in hPa for July 2011
  5. meteo::dsndp
    Daily snow depth in cm for July 2011
  6. meteo::dtemp_maxc
    Maximum daily temperature in degrees Celsius for July 2011
  7. meteo::dtemp_minc
    Minimum daily temperature in degrees Celsius for July 2011
  8. meteo::dtempc
    Mean daily temperature in degrees Celsius for July 2011
  9. meteo::dtempc
    Mean daily temperature in degrees Celsius for July 2011
  10. meteo::dwdsp
    Daily mean wind speed in m/s for July 2011
  11. meteo::nlmodis20110704
    MODIS LST 8 day images image for the Netherlands ('2011-07-04')
  12. meteo::nlmodis20110712
    MODIS LST 8 day images image for the Netherlands ('2011-07-12')
  13. meteo::regdata
    Dynamic and static covariates for spatio-temporal regression kriging
  14. meteo::stations
    Data frame containing stations' information
  15. meteo::stations
    Data frame containing stations' information
  16. meteo::tregcoef
    Multiple linear regression coefficients for global and local daily air temperatures
  17. meteo::tvgms
    Spatio-temporal variogram models for global and local daily air temperatures